Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Gnome Menu Duplicates

I have been looking through my gnome menu and noticing that I have duplicates of some applications in the menu. I want to remove these. Like always I did a google and found some useful information. I didn't even know that gnome 2.12 was released as the Gentoo developers haven't finished the e-build yet. Can't wait for that one.

Anyway, it appears that gnome 2.8 has a built in menu editor in which I could have just removed these items.

Unfortuantely I have gnome 2.10 which switched to the freedesktop menu structure, consequently there is not integrated menu editor. These must as a result be edited manually with a text editor.

Gnome 2.12 comes with a built in menu editor. Apparently it isn't the greatest though.

This website vents its frustation about gnome 2.10 not having a menu editor. This author decided to write his own, but unfortuantely smeg is currently masked. Couldn't find any others and I try not to emerge masked packages too much, so I am going to try the by hand method.

This site seems to be answering all my gnome menu editing questions.

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