Wednesday, December 29, 2004

None /proc/bus/usb usbfs defaults 0 0 |

In trying to setup my mp3 player, I got a response to my post on A guy who told me that it worked for him when he plugged it in. Good for him, but doesn't help me. Must be a genkernel user. :-)

My dad was talking to me and I knew he had an mp3 player, but I thought it was a jump drive mp3 player. When I went to check out his comptuer (Suse 9.1 installed) he has a similar player to mine. The device cables are exactly the same. I plugged my device into his cable and voia la, it worked. He was able to open konqueror and it auto-detected the player and displayed the files in a /media/ directory it had created. Couldn't believe it. So now I know its possible and what a driving force it is. Cant sleep now, or atleast untill its dont and i've uploaded it full of Offspring.

I checked his /etc/fstab file and found usbdevfs and usbfs mounted in there. Added those lines to my fstab with no luck. Checked the kernel and added all the usb mass storage support for devices I didn't even have hoping it would work. Recompiled the kernel, rebooted, no luck.

Anyway, I found this website which mentions libusb, usbfs, usbdevfs and somewhere in the mix I got the idea to search for udevNone /proc/bus/usb usbfs defaults 0 0 |

After searching google for 'udev kernel' I came across Gentoo udev Guide After reading it, it seemed resonable. So I went through everything it said to do, btw, im in favor of the tweaks, im not that gung ho. So I just finished re-compiling the kernel. We'll see how it goes.

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