Sunday, October 29, 2006

lxdvdrip in Ubuntu

How to install lxdvdrip using .deb packages. Although it says it is for Breezy, it worked in Edgy.


This site has the most updated repository:

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Swap not mounted in Edgy

So I upgraded to Edgy. Nice so far. A few problems with Beryl and now this:

The symptoms I experienced:

- Unbearable slowness with multiple applications open.
- Noticed the swap in the system monitor said 0% of 0 bytes.

This is when I realized the swap space wasn't mounted.

After viewing the forums I found a bug report. There were directions which fixed the problem and they worked:

1. Run the mkswap command on your current swap partition. So if your swap partition is /dev/sda3 you would run:

mkswap /dev/sda3

2. Now you need to record the UUID produced by mkswap. Keep this handy.

3. Next you need to update the /etc/fstab file. Find the line referring to the swap partition. Change the UUID on that line to the UUID produced by mkswap.

4. Next you need to edit the /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume file. This file should read:


Note: Replace with the actual UUID reported by mkswap.

5. Lastly, you need to regenerate the initramfs. To do this run:

update-initramfs -u

Now you should be able to reboot and have your swap space enabled and be able to hibernate.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

CUPS Login UserName - Ubuntu Forums

Want to use the cups web interface in ubuntu. Here is how:

CUPS Login UserName - Ubuntu Forums: "d root' in a console, follow the dialogue and make a root password. Then 'su' to change to root (a # will be shown in the console)t"

HOWTO: Install Cups-PDF - Ubuntu Forums

I found this website which is a reference for setting up a PDF printer that takes all input and outputs PDF files. Very useful.

HOWTO: Install Cups-PDF - Ubuntu Forums: "Doubleclick 'New Pinter'"

HOWTO: Install Cups-PDF - Ubuntu Forums

I found this website which is a reference for setting up a PDF printer that takes all input and outputs PDF files. Very useful.

HOWTO: Install Cups-PDF - Ubuntu Forums: "Doubleclick 'New Pinter'"